
Lower Elementary

Lower Elementary

(6 - 9 years)

Lower Elementary

During this stage of development, there is a deep desire to know the reasons behind the inner workings of the world. This child is offered key information to help understand patterns in our world, and manipulative materials to explore those patterns. Peers become the most important group of people for this child, and so a lot of classroom time serves social lessons. Collaborative projects are encouraged, and can take form in a variety of ways – creativity is a gift we cultivate.


Early Morning: 7:15 to 8:15 am
Full Day: 8:30am to 3:15pm
All Day: 8:30am to 6:00pm
All classes are Monday through Friday

What we offer

*Writing- Word Formation, Sentence Structure and Paragraph.
*Spelling- Phonograms, Puzzle words and Introductory Spelling Rules.
*Reading – Reading Mechanics, Reading Comprehension.
*Grammer- Parts of Speech, Sentence Analysis, Word Study, Dictionary Skills.

*Numeration, Operations, Measuements, Fractions, Graphs, Probem Solvings, Multiples, Squaring and Cubic.
*Geometry- Concepts, Lines, Angles, Polygons, Triangles, Comparisons.

*Physical Geography. Solar System. Composition of Earth.

*Timelines. Time. Human Studies.

*Needs of plants. Animal Classification. Plant Classification. Scientific Method. Life Cycles. States of Matter. Properties of Rock. Layers of the Earth. Water Cycle. Animal research.

*Increasingly advance task approrpiate every day practical life activties continues including Conflict resolution skills.
• Organizational skills
• Gardening
• Cooking
• Baking
• Science experiments
*Care of the environment. Care of self. Grace and courtesy. Movement. Silence (reflection)

Increasingly advanced sensory activties continues such as
*Discrimination of length, width, and height.
*Discrimination of volume.
*Discrimination among color tones.
*Discrimination among geometric shapes for shape and relative size.
*Discrimination among solid geometric shapes by sight and touch.
*Solving of complex abstract puzzles in three dimensions.
*Discrimination of intensity and nature of sounds.

*Practicing responsible disposal of waste by reducing, reusing, and recycling. *Composting organic waste to fertilize our gardens.
*Encouraging families to provide no-trash lunches.
*Creating and maintaining community gardens: vegetable beds, butterfly garden, rain garden, flower beds, peace garden.

*Move in different directions at varying speed; locomotor skills such as hop and gallop on non-preferred foot, slide, travel in relationship to various objects (over, under, behind, through).
*Circus arts: balancing, acrobatics, juggling, unicycle, stilts, german wheel, clowning
*Skills to develop strength, endurance, and flexibility.
*Dancing and rhythms.

*Art and Music is integrated into everyday activities.
*Activities to to develop a response to rhythm and melody, as well as a love and appreciation of music .
*Art projects reflect a current area of study.